Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Well I got a housing contract yesterday morning, I got down there at 6:32am (it was meant to start at 7am) and there were already about 30 people in front of me, so glad I went early though as by 7:30am all the contracts were gone. I just put down random single rooms, and since I'm a senior now (according to credit hours) I should have no problem getting a single room yay. Just have to have my deposit in by the date in March.

Also Valentine's package from Pete came yesterday!!! I had a feeling it would get here yesterday but wasn't really expecting it to be this early, he didn't get his yet though :( Probably will do by Friday. I already opened it of course, I'm TERRIBLY impatient! He got me "The Other Woman" by Jane Green (hardback), Guylian seashells (he didn't declare them on the customs thing so they're illegal but worth the risk surely!), and a cute Me to You bear ordament thing, its a plastic heart with a bear inside, here's a link:) And then when the 5th series of Felicity comes out in March he's getting me that :) Also got a card from him, which I said I'd leave til the day but opened it later anyway lol.

Alright, have procrastinated enough, have to do some research for a stupid meeting article bah.

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