Thursday, January 05, 2006

Rumor Has It

Went to go see this movie with Sara on Tuesday night. We didn't know what to expect because we went to see just because I was starting at the time we got to the theater. It was really cute and funny though. I'm usually not a bit Jennifer Aniston fan but she was good in this movie. I give it an 8 out of 10.


Erin said...

but could I take hubby to see it? see, I wanted to see it because Kevin Costner actually seems to be quite charming in the trailers! (I don't think he's sexy because my mom thought he was hot but my mom also liked michael bolton so....) Anyway, Happy New Year Juls! (Here's to a happy, healthy and blessed 2006!)

B r i a n & G a b r i e l a said...

Hi Juls. Hope you spend a great Christmas. Nice you went to see your fiancee to the UK.

The movie you mentioned sounds fun.

Bye for now and God bless. Hope you the best for 2006.

Spanish Kitchenette said...

Hiya Juls!

Glad to see u had a good time in England.
I didnt have the chance to stop by here before so HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006. best wishes for this new year and hope you achieve everything you want to.

Bob said...

Hey Juls, just wanted to say hello. That sounds like a funny movie, I've seen the previews for it out here and it looks like something I'd want to watch. I hope all is well and that you have a great weekend. :)