Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July
Originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

Hope everyone in the US has a good Independence Day!


Anonymous said...

Just saw your beautiful wedding photos, and I started crying.. such a beautiful bride, such a beautiful wedding.. I kept thinking about this little girl , on this happiest of occasions - her wedding- and how I know you must have missed your mom that day.,How proud she must be ,watching from heaven, seeing her beautiful daughter following her dreams.
Please forgive me , Jjuls for being such a " sentimental old cow"
As a mother who is very very close to my two daughters, 15 and 12, ( as well as little Ilan, aged 1 and half )I know that the bond you and your mom have will last forever, and nothing can break that. she is always with you...even though she couldn't be with you physically on your big day, I know you felt her love shining though as you and Pete took your vows.
I see those pictures as both a distant blog friend, but also as a loving mother, and even though I don't know you in real life, im very proud of you,, I am thrilled silly.
big big hugs
Lzzy in Jerusalem

( its this kind of silly mommy behaviour that embarrasses my 15 year old so much sometimes! lol )

Juls said...

Awwww Lizzy! Thanks you so much for the comment. Really meant a lot of me! Wow I can't believe how old your daughters are! And little Ilan! Please feel free to email me any time at PrincessJuls02 at hotmail . com

Lynn said...

Hope you had a fantastic 4th! Congrats to you on your wedding :D The photos are beautiful!! Hope everything goes well and you can be with Pete soon!!