After I received the approval email on Thursday July 27, I tracked my package (which consisted of the binder I sent in with most of the relative information still there, my passport (with visa!)) and it was to arrive the following day, Friday. So all Friday morning I was on the Fed Ex site trying to track it and it finally arrived at 12:30pm :) I was surprised how basic the visa looked, not sure what I was expecting but it seemed weird that a glued on piece of paper into my passport could mean so much ;) I actually took a picture of my visa, which if you're a close friend I'll let you see ;)
Before the visa actually arrived at my door, I decided to book my flight to leave. I wanted to leave kind of soon but not too soon, as I still have to pack a fair amount and want to spend time with my family. After a lot of hassle, I finally booked a one way ticket through STA travel on Virgin Atlantic for less than $600 which is by far the best deal I found :) I'll be leaving on August 18th and arriving in London on August 19th :)
Good luck with everything, Juls. It will be interesting to read your 'expat' blogging!
Welcome home :0
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