Monday, January 24, 2005

I know its cold all over the eastern part of the country...'s 36F here and expected to get colder brrr.

The WeatherPixie

Pete's pixie says its about the same temp in London at the moment and apparently its snowing according to his pixie ;) Mine is just cold :)


In other news my roommate is being annoying, she's not back yet and I'm hoping she doesn't come back tonight as we're having trouble sleeping in the same room...she leaves her lights and tv every night! ahhhhh.

Was at the motel since Friday morning cleaning rooms, so didn't do anything exciting....

Bridget Jones - Edge of Reason is coming out on dvd on March 22, according to V. Good. The first movie is on NBC at the moment hehehe.


Yo mama! said...

Hey congrats on those grades girl! YOU ROCK!!!

Spanish Kitchenette said...

Seems it is supossed to get cold all over the world ! lol we might have -10oC can u believe that ? lol I am all worried, I dont think I have appropiated clothes for that hehehe

Jennie said...

What's the normal temp for this time of year in FL? 36F would be a warm day here right now. This week is supposed to be in the 20s and that's pretty good compared to what it's been.

Juls said...

Hi Jennie

Normal temp around here is about 65-70F this time of year ;) Got up to 72 at the moment, which I think is a bit too warm for now but oh well