Thursday, May 26, 2005

Pete got home safe and sound yesterday morning, seems like a long time ago since he was here but it was only like 2 days ago! Anyway, I'm back on the weight loss track, so if your interested read my wellness journal which should be linked over there ------>

Not too much else to talk about, saving up to book my ticket to England for late July - late August. Need to be back at college on August 31st so pushing it a bit close but oh well. Will keep this updated with any info!


NatalieLucy said...

Hey Juls,

Glad to hear Pete got home safely, hope you two had a fun time while he was there. Nice to hear that your planning to go back in the summer, not long to go.

Hope the rest of your week goes well.

Take Care.

Stacie said...

Hi Juls! Sorry it has been so long since I visited your blog! Happy Belated Birthday!!! I remember my 21st birthday as being such an exciting day for me! Gosh I sound old just writing that lol. I think I am still coming to terms with the fact that I am about to turn 27 in 17 days lol. Anyways that's awesome to hear Pete's visit went well and he got home safe! I was thrilled to see you seem to have chosen a date!!??!! Alex and I will have just had our 1 year anniversary the month before! It's so exciting being the bride-to-be, enjoy your planning period! I bet you can't wait until you and Pete are together for good! Not too long to go!!!
Have a great weekend sweetie!