Friday, February 24, 2006

So this is what it feels like...

Fear. Excitement. Anxiety. Joy.

I'm a big bundle of emotions as my 'college career' comes to a close and the months and days tick down until the wedding. I don't know what to think anymore.

The reality of the situation hit when I had to fill out one of those green forms to return to student service. I wrote my name, checked the "NOT RETURNING" option, and then checked the "GRADUATING" option. Oh god, it is really happening isn't it?

Later in the week, ie today, I had another milestone moment. There stacked in their box were the wedding invitations: printed, stamped, just waiting to be slapped with silver return address labels and on the journey to the great beyond. Said address labels finally arrived today, so I slapped them on quickly...but then I froze. This is the big step, no turning back now (well technically we could, but people would be really pissed off, especially those with travel arrangements already book). I finally gathered up the courage to send them, armed with 20 or so invitation sized envelopes I made my way to the blue mailbox. I paused for a minute, then quickly did the deed before I lost my nerve. I opened the little drawer, placed the stack in there, and then flicked the lid. There goes I wait for replies.


Anonymous said...

Hi Juls! I thought I'd stop by and say hello! I'm so excited for you, the day is getting closer and closer for you guys! I can understand your nervousness and excitement, but you and Pete have waited SOOO long for this that it's finally your turn to be happy and get past the LDR and on with your lives together!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

Spanish Kitchenette said...


The moment is almost here. Just huge change in your life. It sounds really promissing.

Best wishes!

Fiona said...

I remember the anxiety, anticipation and nerves that I had graduating from University, not knowing what my life would be like from there on, but I can't imagine combining that with such big changes as getting married and emigrating at the same time so I admire you for making such big steps! but it's great that the wedding and life together that you've waited so long for is finally almost here! All the very best for your final wedding preparations and hope the next few months are as stress-free as possible for you both under the circumstances!

Take care and have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Ooo glad you got them posted Juls, well done you! HUGS!

Erin said...

yay! it sounds like things are moving faster and faster! pretty soon you will be posting wedding photos on your flickr! Oh I heard a great quote today about weddings! The bride said: "This dress is so hot! I'm so getting laid on my wedding night!" Yep, things are moving fast and when it is all over I hope you feel just so relieved