Sunday, May 28, 2006

Two Weeks

So two weeks from today Pete and I will be married, which seems quite surreal but realistic all at the same time. Unfortunately he's leaving 5 days after the wedding, but I won't dwell on that until after the 'big day.' Thought it be good to do a little timeline of our relationship from the beginning, in case anyone doesn't know (not sure if there is such a person in the world, nevermind the blogging community). So here it goes, a quick and dirty version:

October or November 1998: Pete and I met online sometime probably in mid-October and chatted on the weekends a lot. In mid to late November we were debating on whether or not we wanted to be "more than friends" and we started "dating" online.

Early December 1998: My family's kitchen has a fire and I'm computer-less for over a month, at this point I didn't have Pete's phone number and had lost the address he gave me so we had no contact during that time.

Early January 1999: I got back online and explained what happened to Pete, we became closer and "a couple." At this point no one new about us in our families or anything.

Fast Forward....

October 1999: We talked on the phone for the first time, since I have a speech impediment and was very leery about talking to Pete on the phone, until we did talk on the phone and everything was fine. We started making plan for him to come over for Valentine's Day 2000. This meant actually telling our families about "us" not sure if they thought it was serious or not.

January 2000: Pete booked his flight to come over for 2 weeks in early to mid February! We'd finally meet in person!

February 4, 2000: Pete arrives in Orlando, unfortunately my mom and I are 3 hours late picking him up because we had a flat tire and didn't have the cell phone with us at the time (or did we even have one? back in the day when not everyone had them!) But we finally got there and met up with Pete :) We had a good visit, spent our first and only Valentine's day together so far! Started talking about my mom and I going to England in the summer as my 16th birthday present :)

June - July 2000: My mom and I visit Pete and his family in England. This is when everyone probably realized it was a bit serious...I think our mothers talked about "us" when they were in the car once and how both of us were pretty serious about relationships and didn't really take these things lightly ;) My mom and I got free tickets on our way back for taking a later connecting flight so we'd definitely be back woohoo!

December 2000: Pete's first Christmas in Florida with me and my family :)

June 2001: I went back to England to spend a month with Pete and his family. My mom came over for the last week of my stay...

December 2001: My first Christmas in England with Pete and his family :)

July 2002: I bought Pete a ticket to come over to visit for his birthday he was here from mid July to mid August :)

December 2002: After my first semester at college, I went over to England for two weeks after Christmas

June 2003: I went over to England for 5 weeks...the day I arrived June 28th...Pete asked me to marry him :)

December 2003: Pete came here again for Christmas :)

June 2004: I went over again for a 5 week stay...we started talking more about the wedding and what we wanted to do in the future.

December 2004: Another English Christmas :)

July 2005: I go to England after completing my internship, I was suppose to stay a month but had to come home after a week because my mom passed away, Pete came back with me for two weeks and was probably my saving grace during that time.

December 2005: I went to England for 2 weeks before Christmas :)

Now: 2 weeks until we get married!!!!!!!!!!!! After that we're still not sure but probably doing the UK immigration thing in July or so. Not too much time apart left!


Spanish Kitchenette said...

wow definitely such beautiful story. It was nice to read it all summarized after that long time.

Now, you common dream is having shape and will be materialized soon :)

Congratulations in advanced!

Anonymous said...

Hey grown woman!
It's strange and wonderful that it's finally come to this. It's been so long (and it's kind of scary too that I remember all that stuff!) and I can't wait to see you get married in 2 weeks!
Hugs and love to you both!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie
I am so pleased your time is finally here have a wonderful wedding and I really want every moment of it to be special for the both of you!
Gem xxxx

Juls said...

Thanks Gem, Sara and Miriam!

I have truly wonderful online and real life friends and you all know I couldn't have done it without you!

Spanish Kitchenette said...

YYEEEEY !!! there you go!!! :))))))

Anonymous said...

hey girl!
a huge "mazal tov "to you on your up coming wedding... I've been reading your blog for about 4 years now, and I must say I'm quite emotional about all that's come to pass, and where you stand now in your life... I see many exciting and wonderful things happening for you and your husband in your joint future, and wish you both lots of success and happiness, till 120.
much love
Lizzy in Jerusalem

Juls said...

Awww thanks Lizzy ;) Has it been that long?! I'm surprised I have anything to say! lol