Friday, May 05, 2006

Working Girl

I'm currently working for the month of May at the place where I did my internship last summer. AND they're paying me. I'm working 3-4 days a week 9am - 5pm. I feel like a proper adult, and I don't think I like it lol.

In other news, my birthday is Tuesday! Which is weird, it doesn't feel like my birthday is coming up. I guess its still the year of "non-holidays" since my mom died. Or maybe I'm just getting older to where birthdays don't matter as much. It probably won't be much of a celebration, I'm not having the family party until after my brother's high school graduation (so we can do all the celebrations together as per usual with my family). And I have work that day, but I might see if my dad wants to take me to lunch or dinner that day. Pete's package for me won't arrive on time, he's getting me a DVD and the online company he orders from is CRAP and it hasn't arrive to him yet :( Oh well.

But a month and a day after my birthday is THE WEDDING!!! I haven't updated my wedding blog in ages but if you flick my Flickr badge you should be able to see some wedding planning pics...if you're not on my friends list let me know and I'll invite you to be on it (if I know you).


Jennie said...

Happy Birthday Juls. :D Does it feel like your birthday?

I can't believe that your wedding is so soon. So exciting. :)

Good news on your job too.

Take care.

Stacie said...

Happy belated birthday Juls!!!!