The other day my brother said how he had senioritis in High School. Ah simplier times when everything was great. What I remember most about HS is eating lunch...on the bench next to the stairs or out on the sunny sidewalk when it was cold. Or on half days when we use to go to Steak n Shake. Anyway HS seems a million years ago now. And I'm getting senioritis of a different kind, the college version. Which causes prolonged staring at light sockets while THE MOST ANNOYING TEACHER plays air guitar and says the same wacked out phrases a thousand times. And becoming aggrivated when another one gives no structure and changes due dates faster than the speed of light. Oh and last but not least, wasting so much time on the internet or talking to others, complaining about all of this that you could be done with something important like one of the 3 papers you have to write by this time next month. By then my second-to-last semester will be over.
I feel a strange nostalgia for this place recently, but another feeling of suffication from it. I'm outgrowing it, the professors are becoming more annoying, more people know my name. It takes me a long time to become comfortable in places, but as soon as I become completely comfortable I usually out-grow them. Perhaps comfort = conformity and that's something I'm just not ready for. God knows what I'm going on about. Better go read something useful before I quit school altogether and become a traveling dog groomer or something. Now I'm just talking crap...
Oh Lopez. Those were the days. You couldn't pay me enough to go back though. Everything's changed so much since then... I could rant about change forever.
Don't I know it!
I began to feel that way at my old job, Juls - I was there for 3.5 years and although it was nice to be known by everyone, I was beginning to feel like a piece of the furniture!! Sometimes change is good. Hope you're having a great weekend.
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