Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pete and I saw this movie on Friday afternoon, as part of our first date since we've been married :) We thought it was really funny in parts, but we didn't really like the ending. Though we did seem to be the only ones that were laughing, so maybe its more American humor? Not sure. Anyway I'd give it 7 out of 10 stars :)


Bob said...

Hey Juls, glad to hear you are settling in okay. I agree with you about The Break Up, I liked the movie but not the ending. I was hoping they'd get back together, I guess the way it ended though you could assume they did, or it seemed that way. I hope you have a great week. :)

Erin said...

I'm happy you are in safe and that all is well with the newlyweds too :) I couldn't WAIT to see the Break-up but we were also quite disappointed (is it supposed to be sad? I thought it was a comedy!) didn't live up to the hype!

Spanish Kitchenette said...

I am mad about that man. Gosh, I know he isn't handsome as Jude Law but has got a point that i love it!

haven't seen the movie but i am going to download it asap as it is available in spanish ;)