Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Measuring my life in coffee cups...or is it coffee spoons? Who can remember "J Alfred Proofrock (sp?)" when they have an article due at 2:30 and a 10 page paper due tomorrow at 8am ?

But my future mother-in-law made my day...after I received a very funny thank you card from her in response to the wine charms I sent her with Pete's anniversary package hehe. Speaking of anniversaries - our made up official "unofficial" anniversary was yesterday (6 Years) - it was the day we made up as our anniversary about 4 years ago because we don't remember when we actually met online. I'm a very bad (busy) fiancee and forgot to send Pete an ecard so I felt even worse when I got a lovely one from him last night. Only three weeks of insanity left and then I'll be okay. Well best get to work...


Forgot to mention I got my new phone yesterday. It's so cool!!! And I also got my college ring at the ring ceremony which was nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Juls!!!!!
Hope you get the essays done in time and ok? I feel for you babe, its awful all those deadlines and such!
Awww thats so cute of Pete, and his family, I am glad you get on so well :)
Have a great weekend sweetie! Don't work too hard ok :)