Wow a month from today I'll be in ENGLAND!!!! YAY!!!!! Actually less than that ;)
Been super busy...and not too much going on, and what has been going on I don't feel like talking about. My eyes really hurt, I was in the library writing a 10 page paper for 5 hours straight - but only 2 and a half pages to go! yay! Its due on Tuesday so I'm going to try to get it down tonight, its only a rough draft but anyway.
Hey Juls! Wow it's getting closer to you coming back over again! It's a shame we're never in England at the same time, the 4 of us could have met up somewhere. I'm leaving on Wed for home so of course I'm feeling sad but I am happy because like you, we'll be together again in about a month!! I'm glad to hear all is well with you, hope you've rested those eyes!!
you keep going girl. you'll get there, Rah rah Rah. There, you're very own cheer leading squad :D :D :D
wow 1 month!! bet you're almost giddy! :D
Hey what are you doing this weekend? Wanna come watch me wade around in the mud? I've been advised that I should take someone with me to collect data for my ecology project just in case something happens. Also I have boy news. Call me for details!
Hiya Juls!
Wow! It is creeping up soon! I bet you can hardly wait! I know I can't. I'm sooooo ready to be home! LOL!
Anyway, just wanted to let you know about a new forum I've started called A Wife's Place. Its for wives and wives-to-be to discuss points of interest. If you'd like to visit, you can find it at
Hope you're well!!
I can see now why your eyes hurt. Babe, it is toomay hours !!!!! :S I think I would get blind.... but well, seems you did such good job. Good luck with the rest but try to do it with some break in between :)
Take care
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