Saturday, September 24, 2005

I Say Goodbye...and Hello

This may very well be the last day I ride in you, my little Toyota Tercel. Well, this isn't goodbye forever, but soon Chris will probably make you spantaneously combust. I'll miss riding down A1A looking at the beach with you. I'm sorry for running you into that fence at Lopez...for letting you get broken into...and for generally not cleaning you very much. But we've had 5 fun years together, and you're getting old. I hope you don't take this personally...but I'm on to greener pastures. Goodbye my friend, I will remember you fondly as my little car that always got me where I had to go.


Hello new car, with your air conditioning and sun roof. You're newer and brighter, like a fire engine, and although I never saw myself in a red car I can see myself driving you. You're comfortable and dark inside with tinted windows that I'm not quite use to yet but I think we'll be good together. I'm not sure how long I'll have you: it might be less than a year, or longer. But I'll try to wash you more often than I did my tercel, though that probably won't happen. But I won't run you into a fence...well at least I hope not! We shall be good friends...


B r i a n & G a b r i e l a said...

Hi Juls. I have been visiting your blog for a while. Hope sometime you visit mine as well. It would be very nice.

Hey, saw your new car. Looks very nice and as a matter of fact my favorite color is red. Hope you enjoy it so much. Take care and have a nice week. God bless.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! it is just stunning!!! such huge change, dear, you lucky gal hehe this car is just awesome, gotta show yourself off a lot! lol

Lynn said...

LOL! Congrats on your new car, Juls :) I'm sure you'll both be happy together :D