Monday, June 28, 2004

Just wanted to post and say that I'm here safe and sound :)

The flight went pretty fast although I didn't sleep at all. The flight arrived early in Gatwick around 6:40am. I was done with immigration and baggage claim within like 20 mins at the most. Bit of a drama finding Pete though, they got caught in traffic but I was a bit worried and ended up calling the house to make sure everything was alright, they weren't there of course; then I called Pete's grandparents' house to try to find out Lin's mobile number but they weren't in. I went back to the Information desk and found Pete, who was talking to a few armed guards; they were doing an anti-terrorism check on him. It freaked me out a bit but they seemed friendly enough and chatted to him about the football drama. But we made it back home and relaxed all day and napped. It's funny I feel like I never left, feel so comfortable here and everyone is commenting on my weight loss which is nice ;) Anyway have to go, watching Eddie Izzard with Pete and then having dinner.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Less than 24 Hours!

Its 5:52pm EST, in less than 24 hours I will be departing from Orlando and making my way to London!!!

I'm really excited, managed to fit everything into my huge suitcase, have my carry-on all packed and etc.

Pete went to the shops today and got me all the stuff I like and miss like Guylian seashells and Apple Tango (he couldn't find Diet Apple Tango in the high street :( ) Anyway lol. He's being so sweet. I can't wait to see him when I get through to the Arrivals area at Gatwick!

Well wish me luck, I'm hoping I get through immigration and customs quickly and get my baggage without being trampled by a lot of sunburnt holiday makers ;) lol.

Okay well then, I'm off as I'll be busy tomorrow so this is my farewell post for now. See you across the pond!

Friday, June 25, 2004

Interesting Documentary.
Posted by Hello

Went to go see that today with my mom. The movie theater that had it playing was the one in back of the mall (for any local ppl). That isn't the best movie theater and it kinda makes sense that it was only showing there and they made a TON from it I'm assuming. The theater it was in was the biggest in the place and it was PACKED. My mom and I were late getting there and got seats in the second to closest row so my neck is a bit achy from that.

Overall, the documentary was very moving. Of course it was propaganda but what isn't anymore? It's hard to describe, but I would recommend it; I'm not saying I agree with the writer/producer but the facts are there. It was very gory in terms of the war and injured people, and I had to close my eyes at times.

That's about it, interesting but controversial of course.

Here is a review from MSN about the movie: Fahrenheit 9/11 Review
I'm excited, can you tell? LOL

Pete requested me looking all excited :)

Jul's Adventures in Packing

Will I be able to fit everything into my one huge suitcase???!!!!

Finally Dawning on me

I'm leaving the day after tomorrow!!!!!!!! Okay I think last night it finally hit me that I'll be seeing Pete again in less than 3 days now, and that I'll be traveling to England. Wow! I'm up early again this morning, I've been going to bed around midnight and getting up around 6am, I guess I'm excited.

Packing is going good, a bit of everything. I always have to pack at least twice: once to get together everything I need into my big suitcase, and then a second time to fit everything I need into the case.

I'll take a picture of how it looks now LOL stuff piled on the suitcase that has to be fit in. I'm not even bringing anything extra, but a 6 weeks worth of clothes for a climate that is undecided this time of year takes up a lot of room.

Some good news on the things to do front, Pete's mum has used air miles she had to get us free admission into the London Eye and the Tower of London!!! We LOVE the Tower, been there about 3 times but it never gets boring!

I linked to my Wellness Journal to the left, thanks to Jennie for the very cute graphic :) I also changed the template on my wellness journal and updated it a bit.

Guess thats about it for now! Oh, went to the mall with my friend Tiffany yesterday, and then we met up with Becca. We went to Hops for lunch where I ate A LOT of food and felt like I was going to explode. Then we went back to the mall and I got a pair of earrings for $3 (regular price $10) and some stuff from Bath and Body Works with a gift card I had :)

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Why is everything so freaking expensive?!

Seriously, I went to Walmart to get some stuff I need for packing - bathroom necessities, underwear, socks, and a DVD case thingy. I spent..wait for it... $50!!!! And I got NOTHING. I bought the bare minimum, all the cheapest stuff, even clearence items!

My big splurge was on a $9 bra which was on clearence. That being said I have ONE white bra and only one, and I wear it almost everyday so I thought I'd might as well get another one after trying to find my size for ages.

I even found a DVD case thing in the clearence section that holds 35 DVDs. For $7.

So how did I spent $50 you ask???!!! Beats the heck outta me! All that cheap stuff adds up too quickly!

My stomach feels weird at the moment but overall I've been feeling better.

People from Essex have been staying at the motel and I finally got to meet them today. They're leaving tomorrow evening back home (shame really that we weren't flying at the same time!) The man works for Boots as a delivery man and he thinks he might be going to the Wickford shop soon so I might see him around there! It was so great to talk to them, made me excited about going over. Everyone is just so nice. I know people say that English people aren't friendly, or that American's are friendlier or whatever, but I've met the nicest people in the world in England. But maybe that just my anglophile self loving everything there so much.

England plays tomorrow in the Euro 2004, good luck!!!!! I'll probably be going to the mall to meet a few of my friends I haven't seen in ages to catch up before I leave! Yay. But I'll be anxious to hear how the match went!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Hmmmm. My weather pixie is in her swimsuit with thunder and lightening in the background, not too smart girl! Welcome to Florida in the summer though! Yes for the past few days it's been very hot, humid, and then around mid-day it starts to partially thunder and lightening, then down pour for little 20 mins spirts on and off all afternoon. Sunshine bloody state.

My mom and brother get back from California at 6am tomorrow. I'm happy about this because I have missed my mom and because I need my bloody suitcases back to pack them! My room looks like a hurricane went through it, stuff all over, waiting to be packed.

Can't wait to see Pete at the airport, and see all his family and stuff. Just to be there again will be cool, and about 30 lbs lighter than last year (but a bit flabby lately as I've been too lazy to exercise!)

I've been in a really weird mood lately, probably period related. Also I have been a bit dizzy and feeling like I'm going to throw up. Lovely. I have also been taking naps - which I never do. Yesterday I got up around 8am then went back to bed at 9:30am and slept until 12:30pm! And today I dozed on the couch for an hour around mid-day. Guess I'm just worn out from cleaning the house and my stupid period. Grrrr.

There has been a pigeon on our back porch for the last two days on and off, today he spent about 5 hours on a palm tree thing my mom got for christmas. I took a polariod of him as I couldn't find the digital camera. Pigeons are weird.

Anyway yeah so thats about all thats up around here for now!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Woooohoooo England beat Croatia 4-2!!!!!!!

Also Happy 22nd Birthday to Prince William MMMMmmmm.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Finally I think my template is fixed. Thanks a lot of Sas for all the help! How does it look for pc users now?

My sister and the twins, Georgia Ann and Richard
Posted by Hello
Pete's Dream Wedding

LOL LFC Weddings

I told him that if we were getting married over there I'd actually consider it, as its very quirky and we're all about that hehe.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Cure for Crampiness...
1 glass of full-fat milk

5 yummy chocolate chip and caramel cookies

Resting on the couch

While watching Bridget Jones's Diary, for the 100,000th + time.

This is what my evening has/will consist of, though the power just went out so BJD has been turned off but will go and put it back on again and restart the cure ;)

New Layout

How does everyone like the new layout?

I'm very pleased with it, I have to fix the comments bit but other than that its very cool. I also found a Simpson's one for Pete's blog :)

Friday, June 18, 2004


Yay speech class is over with! I can't believe I've actually survived it! Some of you don't know why this is such a big accomplishment for me, but those who do will understand the significance of this. It was a class I got worried sick over, cried a lot over, and thought a lot about, but in the end I did it. I'll probably only get a C, and while that somewhat annoys me, the grade isn't important. It's a major step in my life and hopefully it can only get better from here in that area. I'd really like to thank my wonderful fiance for always believeing in me even when I didn't believe in myself. I love you baby and I can't wait to see you in 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Another Messed up quiz thingy:

Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name
You Are A:Indie Elitist
Your Favorite Band/SongThe Ataris - Boys of Summer
You Like To Read:Classic literature
You Firmly Believe In:Love at first sight
Everyone Thinks You Are:OMG WAY HOTT LOLZ
You Were Conceived:Backstage at a Queen concert
You Will Marry:A respectable person
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Our compatibility according to Blog Title's

Because with our names it was too low!

Love Level: 91%

Name 1:
Name 2:

Tag is not closed:

My Ingredients!

How to make a Juls

5 parts pride

1 part brilliance

5 parts joy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add caring to taste! Do not overindulge!

And Pete's:

How to make a Pete

5 parts intelligence

1 part brilliance

1 part ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little fitness if desired!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The Redneck is back....

English Redneck has finally blogged again, so I am adding him to my reads. BTW he's my fiance Pete if you didn't know that ;) Again, as always, bloody hilarious, vulgar, but sweet - but I am biased. ;)

In other stuff...

I went to Barnes and Noble after a very healthy lunch at Taco Bell, haha, yeah. Why is everything so freaking expensive there?! I was tempted to get "Olivia Joules" by Helen Fielding, and "To Have and to Hold" (UK title: "Spellbound") by Jane Green. Both are only in hardcovers here though ugh! $25 each, yeah okay, because I'm not broke as it is! But then I went to the WH Smith's website and "Spellbound" is like 3.50 quid! And "Olivia Joules" is coming out in paperback on 2 July. MMMMM I love Smith's!!! Sorry I know, I'm crazy.

My mom and Patrick (brother) have yet to call us from California. Hmph. I checked to see if the plane landed, yup even early so they're (presumably) okay. Then again expecting either of them to take into consideration that we might be worried is laughable so I'm sure they're fine.

I have to come back here tomorrow at 5pm to meet two girls from my speech class I'm doing the debate with...ugh. At least it'll all be over on Friday!

I'm going to go pretend to read info for the debate until 2pm when I told Pete I'd get on. Addicted to the computer, yup, that's me!

Monday, June 14, 2004

In Two Weeks Time....

I will be in ENGLAND!!!! yay!!!!

Wearing my Penalty Spot shirt today to be sarcastic and ironic about the match yesterday lol. Pete was less than pleased I can tell you. If you don't know, England lost to France yesterday in the Euro 2004.

Haven't been doing much around here. Last week of summer classes woohoo. I'm home alone this week as my mom and younger brother are leaving for California today and my dad and youngest brother will be at the motel. So I'm alone with the doggies, but it'll be nice, a bit of alone time. Because as much as I love and miss Pete, he drives me nuts sometimes and him being still unemployed will mean that we'll be together 24/7 which does have its advantages but might drive us both a bit nuts ;) As if we weren't already hehe.

I watched "Mona Lisa Smile" that I got from Blockbuster as a 2 for $10 previously viewed deal. It was a really good movie! I would recommend it to anyone who was thinking about seeing it but hasn't yet. I also finished reading "Straight Talking" by Jane Green, it was pretty good :)Typical Jane Green, very accurate to life but with a happy ending ;)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Cool looking wedding cake :)  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Almost There!

Half way through my second to last week of summer classes yay! Have my persuasive speech on Thurs - ugh just want to be done with it!

On Saturday I went to church with my great Aunt, then I met my sister at the mall. We went to dinner and then to the mall until I closed (9pm.) It was fun :) During dinner the horse race was on in the bar area and everyone was screaming, we saw that the president came on and were wondering why. Well later that night when I got home I found out that Ronald Reagen died. This was a bit weird as my Aunt was just saying how sick he was earlier in the day (I guess she saw it on the news.)

Well then on Sunday my sister, her hubby, and the babies came to the beach to play. I was video taping them a lot, it didn't seem to hot on the beach but was I wrong! I got BURNT to a KRISP! Especially on my back along where the straps were! Ouch!!! It still hurts!

Umm not much else going on! in less than 20 days I'll be in England! yay!!!!

My mom and brother are going to California on the 14th for 8 days so that should be cool for them :)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Romeo and Juliet

Guess what we're doing on July 2nd ? Going to see Romeo and Juliet at Shakespeare's Globe in London!!! yay!!!

Friday, June 04, 2004


On Weds I went to Payless and ended up getting two pairs of sandals. One are more dressy to wear with my black dress that Pete got me when he was here. I needed something I could walk in if needed. So I got these. And I also really liked these. And they were having a buy one get one half off on their sandals so I got both pairs for like $20 :)

I was suppose to do something with my sister yesterday afternoon, but her husband hurt his back and had to be taken to the hospital :( He's okay now, in pain but okay, I don't think its serious. So we might do something tomorrow evening.

I got stuck in the rain today and am now FREEZING in the air conditioned library with soggy socks and sneakers/trainers lol. Brrrrr.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Good day

Today has been a good day :)

My speech went well, so that is a big load off my back. Only one more major speech to go and I'm done! Wow. If you don't know why its such a big deal it just is ;)

My uncle's gf has been making an attempt to be pleasant, I think she's just like me, not very social. Which sometimes comes off as being b*tchy and rude (not that I am of course!) Anyway she was cleaning out her old clothes and gave me some cute skirts :) A demin one, a white one with a pink floral print, and a black one with a blue floral print. I'm in a skirt phase I guess :) I'm wearing the demin one now, its lightweight, frayed around the edges, and comes to about the knee. Its nearly 2 sizes too big, but it fits pretty good. I think I might make another button hole so that I'm not so paranoid about it falling down, but my hips are holding it up lol. The other two skirts are extra-large size but with the elastic they fit good :)

Anyway after class I rewarded myself by going to KFC and getting a Twister combo. Hmph, another place in St.Aug I know not to go to. Its not that it was bad, but the twister wrap thing was hard (old), the chicken was hard (old, and not warm), the dressing on it was very minimal, the lettuce wasn't the freshest it could be, and I guess you can't screw up a tomato without having a rotten one. Why is every place around here so crap? Taco Bell is decent but not clean. Anyway then I went to Target, I got a book "Straight Talking" by Jane Green and little metalic tags that say: "Wedding", "Engagement," "Love," "Cake", "Bouquet", and maybe something else - to use in my engagement scrapbook (which I wanna get finished with by the time I go to England) and the wedding scrapbook I have gotten (which I won't be starting for some time ie after the wedding!) I got the tags as the Target here had better stuff in that department than the one near my house. Anyway off to chat with Pete :)

Weird thing from Sas' Blog:


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator



Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator