Sunday, August 29, 2004


Originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

My brother Chris' new car - 1974 VW Beetle. Change the VW to CW lol ;)

Saturday, August 28, 2004

New template

What does everyone think? (Guess I should put the comments back before anyone can comment on it really LOL.) I need to save the images to my own server, but right now I'm at the motel on AOL and I can't save the images as .gif's and the .jpg's are all blurry of course. I like the the template I had but the table widths were all weird no matter how much Sas tried to help me with them ;)

Got the little part for my car today so that's good, had to go to the Toyota dealership to order it so I got to see all the cars - very tempting but I have enough to pay off at the moment! I will make Pete jealous because I saw a MR2 Syder hehe.

Anyway that's about it for now, going to go put some stuff on the template.

Friday, August 27, 2004


Originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

From the makers of Notting Hill and Four Weddings and a Funeral. Starring Kirstin Dunst and Jude Law. Out in theatres Sept 17th. Doubt if I will pay to see it at the movies though.

Thursday, August 26, 2004


Found this on Stacie's blog LOL - true though lol.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Another day, another dollar. Actually strike that, I'm broke. I haven't made any $$ in a long time. Actually I haven't been out of the house a lot lately since I got back to FL - for a few reasons:

1) My car decided to screw itself up on the DAY I GOT BACK - great timing. I do love my little Tercel though, but it's getting old. Hopefully it will hold out for a year or two more because as I mentioned before I'm broke.

2) The hurricane decided to hit us so I was looking after my niece and nephew for a few days the week I got back.

3) And then I was really really sick all last week.

Now I just don't have a car, and my mom is at the motel sick with what I had. She went there last night to go to this motel dinner thing with my dad. So yeah, today I did nothing at home. I exercised, did 2 miles from the WATP Express 3 mile - I thought I was going to pass out. Guess it's not a good idea to start off with 2 miles of the more intense workout after being lazy for a few months and then being sick. Hmmm.

I've been watching BBC America a lot. Yay BBC America, I love it. But I have to say thay don't show the greatest stuff - its almost all Changing Rooms and House Rivals and other DIY shows. And just to be pathetic I watch the Weakest Link, yes I know. I recorded "Prime Suspect" on Monday night to see how it was. V. Good - not "Waking the Dead" but good ;)

Pete said something cute a little while ago. He went out for pizza with his friends for his friend's, Kate's, birthday. And he said "it felt weird eating pizza without you." We do love our pizza, and other junk foods. I think one of our hobbies is eating actually, which is okay for him as he is one of those terrible people with a super fast metabolism who never gains weight. But it is CRAP for me, hence the reason why I gained 10 lbs when I was there - 4 of which are gone woohoo.

I was going to post more, but I really can't be bothered.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Hi hi. Not much to report, feeling better finally! Spent all last week being sick - which is annoying. Today I went to the motel, then to the bank to order a new debit/atm card because I lost mine. Hmph. Then my mom and I went to this pizza place and ordered a large steak calzone - mmmmm. The thing was GIGANTIC. I wish I had a camera with me to take a pic of the massive calzone but alas I didn't. We ate about a quarter of it and took the rest back to my dad.

My mom also called my new roommate for me, and left a message on her machine for her to email me - so we'll see if I hear from her. I move into the dorms next Tues and classes start next Weds. Not too excited about it, but at least its something to do to pass the time. I'm taking mostly COM classes, and one English class - ah the life of a double major! I wonder how big my room is - hmmmm. I want to get one of those circular chairs but I dunno if there will be enough room. Being on the 3rd floor it'll probably be a shoebox. Ahhhhhh.

That's about it for now from here. I've been home from England for 2 weeks today - seems like SO much longer. Feeling a bit depressed/lonely/bored - oh well.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


Originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

This is the cake I made last night, because I just felt like making a cake. It was very yummy!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Hi blogville

Not too much to report from me recently. I have a cold, yes in August. Last week had to be the longest of my life! I got home on last Monday - and since then I haven't had a good night's sleep, been to the dentist, caught a really bad cold, survived through a hurricane, and have been taking care of my 19 month old niece and nephew. Needless to say I pine for the 6 weeks I had of total nothing-ness, drama-less bliss in England, being normal and enjoying my life. But now my throat hurts so bad I can't swallow without a lot of pain (it was worse until I took medicine,) and my ears feel like they're going to explode with fluid. Lovely.

By the way I got my room assignment and roommate's name and phone number for this year - my roommate is from Texas, and we're on the 3rd floor of the dorms!!! So I'm guessing the room is going to be as small, if not smaller than the one I had last year. But it will be an experience I guess. Next year I WILL have my OWN room if it kills me, seriously. I can't believe how fast time is moving though! In a few months it'll be 2005 and then I can say "I'm getting married next year!" Woohoo. And hopefully we'll set the date early next year so I'll have a more definite time than "May/June."

Today I had to drop my mom off at the doctor's at 8am, so I went to Target and Barnes and Noble until 10am when I had to pick her up again. I saw this book in BN: Getting Personal. The reviews aren't wonderful but it caught my eye. I might treat myself to it sometime, when I have some cash to spare. Oooo, speaking of cash I was pre-approved for another credit card, which I am going to take as it'll be good to build my credit woohoo. Have to be careful with it of course, but as everyone knows I'm as sensible as they come - especially with money!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

Picture of my sister and I on the day I left for England (June 27th)

After Hurricane

After Hurricane
Originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

The sky on the night after the hurricane hit.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Well as some of you might know the hurricane changed directions and hit Fort Myers in the south of the state before weakening a bit and heading straight for Orlando and then Daytona. The past 2 days have been very busy and hectic and I am VERY tired. My mom and I went to my sisters yesterday around noon time because she had to go into work at 1pm (she works for the power company, as does her husband) so we were there to watch the twins. We didn't think it would hit us and the worst that would happen would be thunder storms, but then it changed directions. Actually I think our area (central Florida) was lucky because it weakened and the damage is very patchy (some streets are bad and others aren't. Most of the damage is trees that have fallen because of rain and high winds. Some mobile home parks are very damaged, but basically all the counties' mobile home parks were asked to evacuate voluntarily.

My sister's houses still doesn't have power, along with most of the homes in her area. The motel regained power quickly after the winds, and our house also got power back early this afternoon. Pete called me at the motel this morning to make sure I was okay as he heard that the hurricane hit Orlando and Daytona ;) Very sweet of him, especially since he was at his cousins and had to go back home to call me :) Today we have been taking care of the twins and they finally went to bed a few mins ago! They are very hard work! And on top of everything, I have a cold/sinus thing that I got from my mom, who got it from my brother :( Just took some night time cold/flu medicine so I think that's kicking in :)

Going to go to sleep pretty soon! What a long two days!!

Friday, August 13, 2004

And now for some comic relief...

This Land
Just wanted to let everyone know we probably won't be affected a lot by the hurricane, it should be hitting the West coast of the state, and I'm on the East coast (Daytona Beach.) I know a few of my lovely online forum friends were worried (thanks Krissy and Gem) but I'll be fine ;) Just for the record, Pete was also worried until I told him it was hitting the west coast ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Hair, originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

A better look at my haircut and just a random pic of me :)

Reading with the twins, originally uploaded by princessjuls02.

The twins wearing the England shirts I got them :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hi hi blog world.

Feeling a bit more awake today, though I have been up since 4am again. Yesterday I was pretty tired all day but at 3pm it really hit me and decided to go to sleep for a little while. Normally I only sleep like that for an hour at the most, I woke up again around 4:40pm and got online to tell Pete I was going to go back to sleep. So I went back to sleep and didn't really wake up again until about 4am this morning!!! So I left overall about 11 hours and it was great. Its nearly 3pm and I don't feel that wave of sleepiness so thats good hehe.

I had a dentist appointment today - yipee. I was expecting them to give me a shot of novacain to numb my cavity up to fill it, but my dentist said the needle would hurt more than if they didn't (because the cavity was between two teeth on the top left.) So I was brave and it wasn't too bad. It's a bit sensitive but the assistant person said it would be so that's okay.

Later I'm going to my sister's house to see her and my niece and nephew! It seems like so much longer than 6 weeks since I've seen the babies :)

We got digital cable back so I have BBC America again!!! They're teasing me with the programme "Waking the Dead" being on their website and showing me clips of it for "Mystery Mondays" but it's not actually on their schedule at all :( Stupid BBCA grrr.

Oh and I added a countdown until Christmas on the bottom left menu :) That's about it for now...bye.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Back home and totally messed up on body time versus actual time ie jet lag. Have been up since about 4am...lovely. I posted some pics on my wedding blog of cake ideas and etc.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

I changed the title of my blog because I'm heading home tomorrow :(

Yesterday we had yet another bbq, and today we're having the left overs from that, and then we're having a traditional roast dinner ;) mmmmmm. Lin even asked me what I wanted for pudding (dessert) and so we're having apple crumple mmmm. Then coffee and Guylian seashells I like (as they're in the fridge.) Needless to say I've gained about 10 lbs since I've been here! Ooops! Oh well!

We're going to the shops soon to get some chocolate for me to bring home mmmmmm.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

BJD is back. V. good. Release date: November 19th woohoo.
Posted by Hello

See the teaser trailer here!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Tony and his beloved £400 BBQ ;)
Posted by Hello

The hair that was cut off...
Posted by Hello

My new haircut :)
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

New wedding Blog

I started a wedding blog to keep track of things more easily, I probably won't add more to it until I get home next week.

A year ago today I left England to go back home :( I'm really glad I have almost an extra week on last year. I wish I could stay longer but I need to get back to get everything organized for college starting up again at the end of the month :( Feels like I just ended summer semester, that ended on June 18th only 10 days before I came here - so I spent most of my summer here which I guess is good :)

Monday, August 02, 2004

Decided to change the template a bit earlier ;) What do you think?