Monday, August 23, 2004

Hi hi. Not much to report, feeling better finally! Spent all last week being sick - which is annoying. Today I went to the motel, then to the bank to order a new debit/atm card because I lost mine. Hmph. Then my mom and I went to this pizza place and ordered a large steak calzone - mmmmm. The thing was GIGANTIC. I wish I had a camera with me to take a pic of the massive calzone but alas I didn't. We ate about a quarter of it and took the rest back to my dad.

My mom also called my new roommate for me, and left a message on her machine for her to email me - so we'll see if I hear from her. I move into the dorms next Tues and classes start next Weds. Not too excited about it, but at least its something to do to pass the time. I'm taking mostly COM classes, and one English class - ah the life of a double major! I wonder how big my room is - hmmmm. I want to get one of those circular chairs but I dunno if there will be enough room. Being on the 3rd floor it'll probably be a shoebox. Ahhhhhh.

That's about it for now from here. I've been home from England for 2 weeks today - seems like SO much longer. Feeling a bit depressed/lonely/bored - oh well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie
James left Brazil 2 weeks ago but it seems too long. that s weird.
I loved the photo of that cake...i bet it was yummy
im going on a diet:-) hopefully i ll be ready for the wedding in Jan.
best wishes

Anonymous said...

iits lizzzzy
i keep reading about the motel, and it sounds very glamorous!
i invision a littel motel on the florida sands, in the moonlight , palms a waving, all kind of interesting people and their intriguing stories checking in for short periods, and than leaving as mysteriously as they came.... something a bit 1930s-is and key west -ish. or a bit like fawlty towers.. lol...
im sure the reality is a lot different... do you get inundated by vacationing students during easter break? do you help clean the rooms sometimes? when your in -laws ( well they pretty much are already) come over, will they stay in the motel?
anyway, calzones are one of the italian gifts to mankind.. when we were in jersey in july , my big bro took us all to the Monmouth County Fair one night, and after the kids went nuts for 4 hours, it was chow time. preggo -me had an italian sausage sandwich( divine) and a huge calizone with cheese.... isreali daughters were puzzled by american food , but had greek salads..( zzzzzzzz)
but the BRIT was totally discombobulated... i went down the whole food area with him, explained what calizones, crab cakes,gyros etc were to him... but he didnt want anything.he loves new jeresey pizza , but that night didnt even want to look.. i think the philly cheesesteaks frying had totally grossed him out.
when he saw the deep fried oreos , i saw a glimmer, but it was still a no go.
and YET he eats canned speghetti on TOAST in england! and canned hamburgers!! and loooooooves it! does pete? lol
so in the end, he ate cold chinese food left over when we went home.
make sure pete has a calizone next time hes there. wish i had one right now.

Anonymous said...

iits lizzzzy
i keep reading about the motel, and it sounds very glamorous!
i invision a littel motel on the florida sands, in the moonlight , palms a waving, all kind of interesting people and their intriguing stories checking in for short periods, and than leaving as mysteriously as they came.... something a bit 1930s-is and key west -ish. or a bit like fawlty towers.. lol...
im sure the reality is a lot different... do you get inundated by vacationing students during easter break? do you help clean the rooms sometimes? when your in -laws ( well they pretty much are already) come over, will they stay in the motel?
anyway, calzones are one of the italian gifts to mankind.. when we were in jersey in july , my big bro took us all to the Monmouth County Fair one night, and after the kids went nuts for 4 hours, it was chow time. preggo -me had an italian sausage sandwich( divine) and a huge calizone with cheese.... isreali daughters were puzzled by american food , but had greek salads..( zzzzzzzz)
but the BRIT was totally discombobulated... i went down the whole food area with him, explained what calizones, crab cakes,gyros etc were to him... but he didnt want anything.he loves new jeresey pizza , but that night didnt even want to look.. i think the philly cheesesteaks frying had totally grossed him out.
when he saw the deep fried oreos , i saw a glimmer, but it was still a no go.
and YET he eats canned speghetti on TOAST in england! and canned hamburgers!! and loooooooves it! does pete? lol
so in the end, he ate cold chinese food left over when we went home.
make sure pete has a calizone next time hes there. wish i had one right now.

Anonymous said...

iits lizzzzy
i keep reading about the motel, and it sounds very glamorous!
i invision a littel motel on the florida sands, in the moonlight , palms a waving, all kind of interesting people and their intriguing stories checking in for short periods, and than leaving as mysteriously as they came.... something a bit 1930s-is and key west -ish. or a bit like fawlty towers.. lol...
im sure the reality is a lot different... do you get inundated by vacationing students during easter break? do you help clean the rooms sometimes? when your in -laws ( well they pretty much are already) come over, will they stay in the motel?
anyway, calzones are one of the italian gifts to mankind.. when we were in jersey in july , my big bro took us all to the Monmouth County Fair one night, and after the kids went nuts for 4 hours, it was chow time. preggo -me had an italian sausage sandwich( divine) and a huge calizone with cheese.... isreali daughters were puzzled by american food , but had greek salads..( zzzzzzzz)
but the BRIT was totally discombobulated... i went down the whole food area with him, explained what calizones, crab cakes,gyros etc were to him... but he didnt want anything.he loves new jeresey pizza , but that night didnt even want to look.. i think the philly cheesesteaks frying had totally grossed him out.
when he saw the deep fried oreos , i saw a glimmer, but it was still a no go.
and YET he eats canned speghetti on TOAST in england! and canned hamburgers!! and loooooooves it! does pete? lol
so in the end, he ate cold chinese food left over when we went home.
make sure pete has a calizone next time hes there. wish i had one right now.

Juls said...


The motel is definitely Fawlty Towers meets Florida lol. Yes I get to clean room sometimes (did more often before dad got a maid) you can see some pics of it here: The site is very old and crappy but there you go.

LOL I know what you mean about the English guys and food! Mmmmmm gyros!! ( I was really in the mood for one yesterday and the place we went to does them two so it was either that or the huge calzone mmm) NJ pizza!!!! Mmmmmmm. I told Pete about NY pizza and how the greese drips down your arm MMMMMMMM. The worst is when Pete puts Ketchup on spaghetti!!!! Ewwwww!!!!! I'm sorry but ketchup and proper good Italian tomato sauce is not the same!!!!! Ahhh ;)

Jayne said...

I've viewed the site and the place looks amazing! All that beach :-)

How far is it from Orlando??

I could see myself lounging around in the sun for a week or so there. Maybe next time you come to the Uk, you can stay at my house and I'll stay at the motel, lol.

Juls said...


Glad you like the place - I guess I don't appreciate it enough being there a lot and having to clean up after ppl lol ;)

So I guess I can count you in for the wedding then ;)

Oh and its about an hour and a half from Orlando ;)

Anonymous said...

lizzy again
soooooooooo sorry about the multiple entries!
ny-nj pizza is just the picture of perfection... its the pinacle of pizza making in a world of lousy pizzas,, its in a class by itself.( and no i dont work for the tri- state pizza
of course, the sign of a real new yawka- new joiser( and i left when i was 9) is the ritual FOLDING of the pizza in half, isnt it, bfore you eat your slice
much have i travlled in my life, and the rest of the uncivilised world just does not undertsand the principle of folding your pizza . lol
dont get me started on italian ices..... in the white littel paper cups... droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
when youre preggo, you have super wicked food fantasies all the time... arghghghghghgh

Anonymous said...

lizzy again
oy, sheila!
its says your hoteli s in queensalnd australia, mate! is that a roo eating a slice of jersey pizza there?
and how can you be marrying a blooooody pommy!
what did i do wrong finding the site?
or are you really a closet aussie with florida aspirations?

Juls said...

LOL Lizzy

Yes folding pizza is a must, I guessed everyone did it but thats bc both of my parents are from NJ lol

Hmmm not sure how you got Australia LOL try - its the same site :)

Anonymous said...

what an adorable hotel! right on the beach!
and your dad's the bartender! adorable!
i would looooooooooooooooooooove to have a hotel to come and rest up in all the time! will you be having the recption at the hotel? in israel, they have tons of weddings at hotels, with everyone dancing and eating under the stars. lovely!
i went to one once where at 2 am, evryrone put on bathing suits, including the b and g, and went swimming! peter must be thrilled silly to have a fiance with a beachhotel in fla.. how exotic for a brit!
darn, if i wasnt married id propose to you! lol

Juls said...


LOL Yeah Pete thought it was really cool especially when we first met online and in person, he told everyone about it and it was like "WOW" etc hehe. But once when he was here we had to run it for a few hours on our own and everything went wrong - it was very Fawlty Towers and he was Basil and I was Polly lol.

I don't think we'll have the reception there, its a bit too informal for what I want but we'll probably have something there for the wedding - a BBQ or something for the In-laws and my family etc hehe.

Anonymous said...

lol, did he try to hide a corpse, or insult german guests? lol

Juls said...

LOL no but he was close to it lol ;)