Saturday, October 11, 2003


Wow I spent about $65 in a matter of like 30 mins! My mom and I went to the mall to look around for an anniversary present for Pete and a present for one of my friends for her bday (it was last weekend.) I went into Things Remembered to see what they had. I ended up getting the album I saw online and got it engraved with our names on it (Julie & Pete), and an album for my friend with her name engraved on it. They were having a buy one and get one half off so I did good. I've been thinking I'm good at picking out gifts and I like buying stuff for people - I should become a professional gift buyer. Hmph dunno where English or Communications degrees fit in to that but hey it's a thought lol. Before that we went into Dillards from the parking lot to go to the bathroom. Right outside the bathrooms was a table with these adorable stuffed dogs on it that barked and wagged their tails! I had to get one for Pete - the beagle as thats one of the dogs we want when we are living together. I don't feel like doing the html for the link but go to if you wanna see what I'm talking about. Have to keep this page away from Pete so he doesn't find out but he never look at it anyway lol. Anyway thats about it. Might walk later. Oooo I lost 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks which is good consider atkins hasn't been going too well and I didn't exercise a lot this past week as I was so busy. Total weight lose: 18 lbs since 8/18 woohoo. In the wedding planning mood - got a little free booklet from Things Remember.

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