I've been wondering whether or not to close down this blog for a few days now. It seems to be becoming more about my mundane existance than about anything I really want to share. Also I like posting on Pete's blog because I feel like I can be more liberal in my thinking - not that I feel I'm censored on here but its just different. Anyway I blogged yesterday at English Redneck about a few English type of things so go there to see. I also got rid of the dekap or whatever message board and put up a doodleboard - just because the other one took a little while to load and always seemed to be down anyway.
Today in my Advanced Expository Writing class a visiting author, Ladette Randolf came in to talk to us. Then I went to go hear a reading of one of her works tonight. It's moments like these that I feel really great to be in college, as Pete would say "it's just like Felicity!" Which I always have to keep reminding him (now its a bit of a joke) that college isn't like that. Talked to Pete on the phone today for a combined total of about 40 minutes, as my internet connection in the dorm was being stupid and I didn't feel like going back to the library. We had laugh as always ;) I might get him to blog about the meeting of the different brain cells in his head soon :)
Anyway thats all I can think of for now, might be back later with some insightful ramblings.
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