Friday, February 06, 2004


My tummy feels icky. Its been like this pretty much all day. I've had it before - kinda like a burning pain in my stomach. Ick. I had a low carb cereal bar for breakfast then went down to work. Then I had a Starbucks vanilla frappacino from Molly's. It hurt before I had the frapp so I shouldn't have but yeah. By like noon I was shaking and felt kinda weird for some reason but it didn't seem to hurt, I had lunch and it was okay. Now I just had dinner and it hurts again :( Been working on my paper all day and reading...might go watch FRIENDS in the rotunda at 8pm - could attempt to watch it in here but I would have to mess with the antenna for ages to get a decent picture so I'll just go out there. Roommate is having another crisis...god.

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