Friday, May 23, 2003

An English Redneck ? !

Well today the truth came out: Pete is actually an English redneck LOL It all start with him describing a song he heard about being tough and stupid or something. Hmmm then all the pieces of this puzzle started coming together: How he wants to move here all of sudden, how he likes ribs from this redneck place in Orlando called Cecil's, the way he likes the movie Jack@$$ and etc. I had to go on the internet to meet a redneck 3, 000 + miles away when I live in FL !!!! As you may know I strongly protest when anyone says I'm southern - not that I don't like southern people but my parents are from NJ but I'm not really a 'northerner' either hmmmm half breed I guess. Anyway I'm unofficially engaged to an english redneck so all is well. hehe. Don't mind me have gone crazy from procrastinating on my 4 - 6 page paper due Tues hmmmm. Feel tired - want to do Weds wish but I might just leave it til tomorrow when I'm more awake/energetic. Night.

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