Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Tuesday This or That (http://www.this-or-that.org)

1) Large or small family? Hmmmmm. Small immediate family but large extended family

2) Potato chips or Pretzels ? Both - depends on which I'm in the mood for.

3) House or apartment? House with my parents or Pete's parents at the moment - hopefully our own apartment eventually and then our own house eventually

4) Zebras or Giraffes? Ummmmm giraffes I guess - odd question

5) Candles or potpurri ? hmmmmmm I guess either - don't really use either at the moment I used to love candles though

6) Flowers or Trees ? Flowers I guess ;)

7) Right or left-handed ? Both Pete aned I are lefties :)

8) Model train or dolls/stuffed animals ? Stuffed animals - I have a ton from Pete ;)

9) Comedy or Drama ? Hmmmmm I guess either depends on my mood.

10) Thought-provoking question of the week: The city of Boston has recently banned smoking in all restraurants and bars. Would you want to see such a law passed in your city/town/country, or not ?

Well I think FL is passing it in Jan 2004 which wouldn't bother me - as I don't smoke and like it when there isn't smoke around me. In England people smoke in the mall which I think it weird as its been years since its been legal for people to smoke in a lot of public buildings here in FL , and probably most of this country. I don't think this law could be passed in bars in England, Guess we shall see.

In other news: Pete's parents have a birthday present waiting for me when I get there - awwwww ;) They're also going away the Monday - Friday after I get there so hopefully Pete won't have to work so we can have some alone time hehe yay!

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