Tuesday This or That (www.this-or-that.org)
The Media Edition (very apt as I am now taking Intro to Mass Communications)
1) TV or radio ?
Definitely TV, but if theres nothing on, or I don't have a TV around (like in my room) I turn on the radio.
2) On the radio: talk or music station ?
Definitely Music! Who wants to listen to people talk ? Gimme some tunes man! Makes my drive to school seem faster or less boring.
3) Actual book or book on tape (or ebook) ? We were discussing this in my Mass Com class today - definitely an actual book.
4) Actual Newspaper or web version ?
Usually neither but the web is easier and doesn't get your hands black!
5) Wall Street Journal or the National Enquirer ?
Neither - one is too boring the other is too crazy.
6) TV news...news channel such as CNN or local boadcast news ?
Depends on what I wanna know about - usually a news program but usually I don't watch the news.
7) A movie you've been looking forward to seeing gets bad reviews all around. See it anyway or pass ?
See it anyway. Critics know nothing.
8) See movies when they first come out or wait a few weeks for the lines that the theaters to get showers ?
Depends on the movie - usually wait though, as I don't always have the time or money to go see a movie when it first comes out.
9) TV: cable, satellite dish, or plain old antenna ?
Cable at home at the moment :( Miss satellite - mostly BBC American and Fox Sports (as they show English football)
10) Thought-provoking question of the week: If you had to choose only one form of media to come into your home, which would it be print (newspaper, magazines) or electronic (TV or internet) ? Why ?
Ummm well ideally I would be content with the print only but in the modern world probably electronic - especially if Pete's in England as I can't not talk to him! Oh the wonders of LDR's - getting quite annoying. hmph. 51 days thank god.
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