Thursday, May 01, 2003


Ooo did I tell you ? My sister asked me to be my Nephew's God mother yay!! hehe. The Christening will be on May 18th. You're probably wondering why I'm not my Niece's as well - because my sister and her hubby want to include everyone so his sister and sister-in-law are my Georgia's god mothers. My brothers god fathers to one of each (Chris to Georgia and Patrick to Richard I think)

I watched a thing on Osama Bin Laden on the History Channel last night - very interesting. I rarely watch the History Channel here in the US but I always do when I'm at Pete's - probably because they keep it on all the time. Tonight is Hitler so I might watch that - always good to know about people. Did anyone see Dawson's Creek last night ???!!!!! Only two more shows left!!! Who will lose their life ??? I think maybe Pacey ? It can't be Joey or Dawson (as the last epidsode I think will go ahead five years and see them get married? I saw the preview for that or at least Joey was getting married to who though ?) I know I'm a freak - I started watching it my freshmen year of high school I think or was it 8th grade ? And I'm addicted hehe something about growing up with them or something I guess. Well off to get my hair cut!! Peace out.

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