Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Ha I might be getting Pete to start a blog ;) Maybe not, I dunno its up to him but it would be cool so that I could read what he writes :) Doing a meme just because:


Name some of your favorite, and perhaps admittedly disgusting, snackfoods.

Hmmm. I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. English people think they are gross (I think a lot of Aussies do too.) It's not that I'm a big peanut butter fan, but the combination of chocolate and peanut butter in a reeses is beyond compare! mmmmm. They have a new *limited edition* white chocolate version out! I dunno how good that is, I have resisted trying it as they're totally not on Atkins. Getting a craving now though!

Pete says he might start a blog at the weekend - I shall keep you posted if he does hehe.

Oh and I had a dream this morning - between about 7am and 8am. I think Jennie and her hubby were in it but I really don't remember! It was one of those deep sleep dreams just before the alarm buzzed. I think Pete might have been in it too, interesting lol.

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