Friday, September 12, 2003

What's in a Name?

(Side note - my 8am two hour communications lab was cancelled so I'm wasting time!)

Just went to check out the Friday Five for today. The last question sent me to this link, Kabalarian. This is what it had to say about my Name:

Your name of Julia has given you a practical, efficient, and capable nature, with a desire to participate in business ventures. Able to see how the details of a situation fit into the overall picture, you have good judgment regarding anything of a practical or technical nature. You are efficient, and capable of carrying a lot of responsibility, but your nature is so serious that personal association suffers. You demand as much from others as you do from yourself. It is difficult for you to merge your nature with others to create understanding, or to show love and tenderness to those close to you. You experience much misunderstanding and unhappiness in your personal life as a result.

Health weaknesses for my name:


Tension would affect the stomach and intestinal tract, and you could suffer with constipation, growths, or serious female disorders.

Hmmm interesting. Somewhat true - except for the showing love to people close to me and suffering misunderstanding and unhappiness in my person life! As for the health wekness...ummm pretty gross - don't want to think about those!

Well I guess I should do the FRIDAY FIVE now since I already mentioned it!

1. Is the name you have now the same name that's on your birth certificate? If not, what's changed?

Yup my name is the same as it was on my birth certificate. My confirmation name is Hannah but its not legal (unless I start using it - which would make my name way to long!) Full name: Julia Marie

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be?

Well no I wouldn't change my name, I really like it. I will probably change my last name when Pete and I get married, unless I want it hyphenated but I think it'll make it to long. Hmmm.

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?)

My dad is responsible for naming me, he named me after his maternal grandmother. My mom wanted to name me Hannah after her maternal grandmother who was Irish (came here in around 1920?)

4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why?

Names I love for girls: Hannah, Chelsea, Isabella, Audrey (Pete doesn't like that one)

Names I love for boys: Michael and Ian

Names I hate: Camilla, Agnes, Hilda (anything that sounds old lady-ish) Don't really hate a lot of guys names - or at least I can't think of any at the moment ;)

5. Is the analysis of your name at accurate? How or how isn't it?

See above!

~~~~~~Oooooo HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY TO SARA! ~~~~~~~~

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