Friday, June 13, 2003

Friday Five - for Friday the 13th dun dun dun!! ::scary music::

1. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?

I really wanna go to Ireland, I guess thats one thing that I haven't done that I really wanna do. Other than that I dunno, I've been thinking about getting a tatoo for awhile and Pete has too but I dunno if we'll ever get them - we're worried about them getting all dodgy looking when we get old and wrinkley hehe.

2. When someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest?

Depends on the person - if my mom asks me I'll usually be pretty honest, if its my roommate (when I had roommates) it would depend - my one roommate used to ask me like everyday because she was totally self-conscious and sometimes I would be totally honest and other time I wouldn't, if my sister asks me I'll usually say she looks good because I know thats what she wants to hear lol. My friends really don't ask me how they look probably because they know I'll tell them the truth ;)

3. Have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? What happened?

Ummm yeah that has happened a few times, once with Pete and a few times with a few of my friends...every situation was different. With the situation with Pete it was told to me by someone I don't talk to anymore and it was this whole big thing like right before we met in person...but its totally over now as it was so long ago and really stupid looking back on it actually...things were rocky for a few days but got back on track :)

4. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?

Ummmm the first two that come to mind are the candy land area of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or the Wonderland of EA Game's ALICE hehe. The chocolate factory candy land for obvious reasons, and Wonderland because it would be cool chopping off cardguards heads like in the computer game hehe.

5. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?

Horse back riding and playing the flute...not really sure why just wanted to be able to do both and I never have :( Oh well maybe someday I'm only 19! lol.

Oooo happy Friday the 13th!!!! I'm not going to say TFIF today because well I have tons to do so I'm not really too happy its Friday. I'm still at school waiting for Student Services to open back up again at 1:15pm so I can get my new Student ID and then I'll head home. Here is an easier link to my dad's father's day present (its the first one in the second row) since my mom's comp is a Mac I can't link to anything without doing the actuall html but I'm too lazy to do that all the time. In other news I got the wine glass charms I ordered for Pete's mum yesterday - they're cute :) I feel a bit better today but not 100% think its just stress though ugh. Well I might be back on later if not over the weekend! Ta-ta for now!

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