Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Tuesday This Or That (from last week as I didn't really wanna do this weeks)

1. Cats or dogs ? Dogs!!! Although I am warming up a bit to cats, they're too independent though!

2. Butterflies or Birds? Ummm birds I guess - I like the really little ones that hop around

3. Horses or cows ? Hmmmm toughy! In the summer of 2000 when my mom and I went to England for the first time and met Pete's family we all went to Dorset and took tons of pics of horses and cows! Mostly horses though as they were just out in the fields with no barriers it was so cool to see them 'in the wild.' So both I guess

4. Turtles or snakes ? Turtles! they're cute!

5. Frog or grasshoppers ? Frogs are cute especially little toads hehe.

6. Lions or Tigers ? I really like the while tigers :)

7. Elephants or mice ? Elephants - mice creep me out

8. Porcupines or aardvarks ? Ummmm porcupines I guess (dunno what an aardvark is really lol)

9. Unicorns or Dragons ? Hmmmmm Unicorns I guess hehe

10. Thought provoking question: (Simplified) Would you give away your pet or stay put in a dumpy apartment ? If it was a dog I would stay put, if it was another smaller animal which didn't really know that I was it's owner like a turtle I could give it away.

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