Monday, June 23, 2003

Hi hi. I have changed the graphics on my homepage to a more patriotic 4th of July theme as I will be in England on the 4th and not online much as Pete has the whole of next week off ;)

QOTD #36

What does your week have in store? Appointments, occasions etc?

Wow good question for today/this week :) On Friday I'll be beginning my journey to the UK via St. Louis at about 12:45pm. Today I should be going shopping a bit later with my mom. Tomorrow some more shopping, Weds we'll spending time with my sister, and Thursday I'll be packing and stuff ;) I might get my hair cut sometime before Friday - if not I'll just get Pete's mum to do it while I'm in England as she's a hairdresser and it will be free hehe.

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