Saturday, June 28, 2003

Hello from Essex!!

Wow its still so early here but I feel like its mid-afternoon at least! Everything during the journey went well. I even saw Mr. T at the St. Louis Airport! No JOKE ! I really did! I will upload the pics when I can get the program for the digital camera on a computer here. It was so funny!! He was really nice! I didn't get a picture with him personally I just took pics of him with other ppl ;) I got into the UK at around 6:40am GMT. By around 7:45am I was with Pete and his friend heading to the car park hehe. So that was the early morning. I stil have more news..

At around 10:30AM GMT Pete got out a gorgeous white gold diamond ring and asked me to marry him!!!!!! Of course I said YES!!! hehe. The ring has one larger diamond and two slightly smaller diamonds on either end and the band is kinda curvy on top and bottom of it. I've never seen anything like it and I LOVE IT So MUCH!

Anyway, we haven't really told anyone in our families yet, we're trying to decide who and when but we think everyone will be happy for us! So SHHHH don't tell anyone in oru families!

Oooo and a very Happy Birthday to Jennie!!!

I'll be back around sometime soon! BYE!!! :)

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