Friday, August 15, 2003

Morning. Here at the motel wasting time until my dad and I can clean - yay my life is so exciting huh ?! I might have found out why I can't seem to lose any weight even when I do my walking everday (I am starting to do that again but didn't do it yesterday as I was busy and then when I got home I was too sore from the night before.) Anyway the reason might be the medication I take for my speech impediment - its actually an anti-depressant but it helps with my speech as well. I think thats it because I was reading in a book my mom got me about the Atkin's Diet (actually I think Pete's mum has the same book as she has lost weight on it), it says that some anti-depressants (it named the one I'm on) slow down or prevent weight loss and might even cause ppl to gain weight. I told this to my mom this morning and she asked on of her friends about it who was also on the same medication and she said it caused her to gain weight. So I'm not just really stupid and don't know how to exercise! Woo hoo at least I feel better now! Anyway might have to go to the DR and tell him about this stuff and see what else I could do for medication. Ugh I hate doctors though! Well thats about it for now.

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