Saturday, August 23, 2003

Some things never change...

Its amazing how the smallest things never seem to change no matter how much time goes by. For example, in my early teens I was very much interested in the Royal Family of Great Britain - yes okay you can call me a freak lol, okay the major reason was I had a huge crush on Prince William, again you can laugh. Anyway has anyone noticed the latest edition of Vanity Fair magazine ? Guess who is on the cover? Yes Prince William - looking amazingly attractive! Anyway I was in the grocery store yesterday and had to get the magazine, yes I spent $4.50 just to see 2 really good pics of Prince William hehe. Theres a whole section in it on Royal Families in Europe so I'll read that when I feel in the mood. But the mere action of buying the mag sent me back about 6 years hehe. Also last night my mom and I watched Little Women, the 1994 version, which we have seen 100+ times and it just felt like old times to me and it was really fun. The kettle corn popcorn was really good too ;) For 12 carbs it had to be! Anyway just rambling, very lost without Pete around this weekend - hope he's having a good time ;)

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